Well, this is timely, as I debate the pros and cons of colonoscopy myself over here. Like you, I try to straddle the best of both worlds with western medicine and more holistic approaches. Like you, I try to trust my intuitive inner voice, though it's sometimes hard to disentangle it from the voice of anxiety!

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Ain't that the truth! I have learnt to discern through bodily sensation what is fear and what is ease in 'knowing'. It continues to be quite the journey. And the ability to see inside my own body via the screen was a very healing phenomenon for me. Finding nothing of any concern was a huge gift and encouraged me to continue eating and living well. I am glad I did it although I have heard there are easier ways of cleaning out the system beforehand that I will investigate next time. Drinking 4L of foul-tasting, diluted chemicals is not pleasant. Good luck with coming to your decision. I am glad this was timely.

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Thanks Emma 😊

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